Welcome to Captain Smogbuster's Climate Action Page!
If you haven't done so already start off by Giving Our Streets the Green Light! Support local councils across Victoria to make the switch for street lighting. Sign the petition to get those old CO2 belching globes replaced with energy efficient lighting that will reduce greenhouse gas emissions by up to 68%!
Then why not check out what stories Oxfam, Greenpeace and the Australian Conservation Foundation have to tell about climate change. See what issues they are tackling and what you can do to help.
Next, find out what's happening in your area: visit the Climate Action Network and follow the links to your local Climate Action Group.
And don't forget to make your new decade's resolution by signing up to t10 - The Transition Decade.
Once you've done all that it's time to start planning what you're going to do on 10th of October 2010 (yes, that's 10/10/10 - a date you can't forget!) to take part in 350.org's Global Day of Climate Action:
350.org is inviting passionate planet protectors to link hands across the globe by signing up for the Global Work Party. The idea is simple: spend the day doing something to help our climate. That could be planting an edible garden, putting up solar panels, or helping educate the community about what's happening to our climate and what we can do about it. For heaps of information on Climate Change and how to take part in Climate Action go to the 350.org website (and click on 'Action Resources' to register for the 10/10/10 Global Work Party)
And don't be stranger - please get in touch to share your ideas and Climate Action news with Captain Smogbuster. We'll be working with him to get your thoughts and projects up here on the website so they can be shared with Climate Actioneers everywhere!
A big Hurrah to all from The Our Planet Team!